Tìm kiếm theo: Tác giả 835c485d-7932-4ac5-b82c-c4b2b5ecf1de

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  • Impact of climate change onwater resources in Ca River basin.pdf.jpg
  • CSDL Liên hiệp Thư viện (VLC Reference Material)

  • Tác giả : Hoang Minh, Tuyen (2010)

  • Base on Climate Change Scenarios (A2, B2, B1), simulation outputs of river flow show the changes of water resources in Ca River. These results are arguments for water resources planning in Ca River under the climate change situations.

  • Impacts of climate change on inundation and salinity intrusion of Cuu Long delta.pdf.jpg
  • CSDL Liên hiệp Thư viện (VLC Reference Material)

  • Tác giả : Hoang Minh, Tuyen (2011)

  • Base on the results of the flow simulated by Mekong River Commission (MRC), combined with Sea Level Rise (SLR) and salinity scenarios by IMHEN, the paper presents impacts of CC on flooding and salinity intrusion in Cuu Long Delta. By 2050, the maximal flooded area which is more than 0.5 m depth can be up to 68.3% of the entire area of Cuu Long Delta. The maximum distance of salinity intrusion increases in the main rivers can reach by 10 km by the middle of the 21st century. The area affected by salinity intrusion at >4‰ occupies 41% area of all Cuu Long Delta and by salinity >1‰ is 59% of natural area.

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