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  • CSDL Liên hiệp Thư viện (VLC Reference Material)

  • Authors: Tran, Nghi;  Co-Author: 2011 (World Heritage National Park Phong Nha - Ke Bang has been and is being invested by the government in general and by Quang Binh province in particular to expand into a population with different types of tourism in order to invite domestic and foreign tourists. Since the 60s of 20th century, the Phong Nha - Ke Bang zone has been regarded as a tourism spot that attracts the most number of tourists among the tourism industry of Quang Binh province. However, since then this National Park has only exploited the exterior caves and has not, together with other types of tourism, extended its activities in all national Forest’s territory. Therefore, in this article the authors’s group will begin to explain in details of other potential adventurous tour types of Phong Nha - Ke Bang region in particular and of Quang Binh province in general, these are: to explore the caves in adventurous tours upon limestone mountains with perpendicular cliffs by road 20, cable - riding tours through National Park zone where the cables are put on the highest mountain peaks, adventurous eco-tours inside proteozoic forests famous for a most diversified and abundant ecosystem in South East Asia. These are the potential and valuable types of tour assuring a great charm for a huge number of tourists inside and outside the country)

  • CSDL Liên hiệp Thư viện (VLC Reference Material)

  • Authors: Tran, Nghi;  Co-Author: 2007 (Vietnam has over 3200 km shoreline which extends from north to south of the country. Sea level changes were principal factors influenced on sedimentary environment and compositions. In Quaternary, cycles of sea level change and tectonic movement were main factor that created Red River delta, Nam Bo plain and Central plain. There are 5 sedimentary cycles corresponding to 5 cycles of sea level change of the Red River delta and Nam Bo plain. Sedimentary cycles were characterized by sedimentary coefficients such as: grain size, clay content, index of cation Fe2+/Fe3+ exchange, pH variation from the start to the end of cycles. They are represented by fluvial terraces, marine terraces, marine notches and peat layers. In central littoral plain, the relationship between sedimentary cycles and sea level is represented by five sandy cycles and distribution of coral terraces in shallow sea. There are 5 generations of ancient shoreline zones, which correlated with glacial and interglacial periods in Vietnamese continental shelf: the shoreline in 30 m water depth is correlated with (Q21-2). Up to 60 m water depth is correlated with (Q13b-Q21) and 100-120 m water depth is correlated with Wurm2 glaciation (Q13b)(?). In 200-300 m water depth correlated with Wurm1 glaciation (Q13a)(?), at 400-500 m water depth correlated with Riss glaciation (Q12b)(?), at 600-700 m water depth correlated with Mindel glaciation (Q12a)(?), and at 1000-1500 m water depth correlated with Gunz glaciation (Q11)(?). As such Quaternary sea level changes in mainland and continental shelf interacted and quite distinctive form each other by pendulum rule.)

  • CSDL Liên hiệp Thư viện (VLC Reference Material)

  • Authors: Tran, Nghi;  Co-Author: 2008 (The Holocene coastal zone of Mekong river plain is the result of prolonged marinefluvial interaction. Lithofacies association in ti me and space is characterized by three depositional system tract belonged to the upper part of a sequence stratigraphy. Based on lithology should be divided 5 sedimentary types and 18 lithofacies distributed in stratigraphical column and in sea bottom varying from 25m water depth to mainland coastal area. According to sequence stratigraphy the transgressive systems tract at 5 Ky Bp, while from geochronology point of view the boundary betweenMiddle Holocene and Late Holocene is 3 Ky Bp – a regressi ve stage. During Early-Middle Holocene stage transgressive depositional system tract is characterized by two associated lithofacies upward section: delta front swamp mud rich in organic materials facies and marine shallow grey-greenish clay facies corresponded with marine flooding plain. And then Late Hol ocene regressive phase corresponding with Highstand systems tract composed of delta plain clayish silt facies in which there are different sandy ridges generations distributed younger seaward. Each sand ridge generation was mark by a coastal zone and associated lithofacies. In circumstance of global climate change and sea-level rising, the Mekong ri ver coastal zone will be changed much more in framework of modern tectonic subsidence. If the rate of sea-level rising is 2mm/year then sea bed will be subsided with a rate of 4mm/year. But recent rate of sediment accumulation is over 4mm/ year, so the modern coastline continue to pr ograde seaward with a rate of 40m/ year. The Mekong river mouths are migrating to East-North, and as a result geosystems and landscapes are changing.)

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